Summary report on authorisation

Since the entry into force of the revised therapeutic products legislation on 1 January 2019, Swissmedic has published summarised assessment reports, known as the “Swiss Public Assessment Report” (SwissPAR for short).

In addition to this, Swissmedic publishes an abridged version of the SwissPAR known as the “Summary report on authorisation”. This is intended to make Swissmedic's authorisation decisions comprehensible and transparent to the wider public.

The Summary report on authorisation is based on the content of the published SwissPAR and the officially approved product information texts.

The following list also includes Summary reports on authorisation for medicinal products that are no longer authorised. These Summary reports are indicated as “no longer authorised” in the relevant description. You can find an overview of currently authorised medicinal products here.

The Summary report on authorisation was known as the Public Summary SwissPAR until 1 October 2024. Earlier reports have not been revised.


Sorted by name of the medicinal product

A - C

L - N

O - R

S - U

V - Z