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Swissmedic Journal

Latest edition
Swissmedic Journal September 2024


The “Public Summary SwissPAR” is now called the “Summary report on authorisation”

Swissmedic is changing the name of the “Public Summary SwissPAR” to the “Summary report on authorisation”


SonoVue® (sulphur hexafluoride) and anaphylactic reactions

Learning from adverse reaction reports – cases from pharmacovigilance


HPC – Seresto ad us. vet., Halsband gegen Ektoparasiten für Katzen und Hunde

Zusätzliche Vorsichtsmassnahmen für die Anwenderinnen / Anwender und zusätzliche Nebenwirkungen


Go-live of the SwissGMDP database

SwissGMDP is now online

In focus

Plattform für Regulatory-Fachleute

Platform for regulatory professionals

We are inviting companies and interested parties to discuss the regulatory environment. Register today!


Holidaying in Switzerland

Which medications can be imported into Switzerland in which quantities?
Information on the entry requirements with medicinal products

Contact for members of the public

Do you have any questions about a particular medicine or a general question about Swissmedic? We’ll be glad to be of assistance. 

Just send an e-mail to questions@swissmedic.ch or use our contact form. Thank you.

Direct links

Stay up to date

Reporting undesirable effects and incidents


Medical devices

Swiss Public Assessment Report (SwissPAR)


Summary report on authorisation


Swissmedic video portrait

Swissmedic monitors all therapeutic products on the market in Switzerland. Our independent experts ensure the therapeutic products you and your loved ones need are effective, safe and of the highest quality.

Reporting of ADRs by healthcare professionals

Find out in the video how to report adverse drug reactions properly.

Materiovigilance – every report counts!

Serious incidents involving medical devices: find out in the video why every report counts!



New medical devices regulations

Information concerning the new EU-Regulations as well as their implementation in Switzerland.

Revision of the MedDO and the IvDO
Information on the new EU Regulations and their implementation in Switzerland.


What are the tasks of Swissmedic in the area of medical devices?

What is a medical device? How do medical devices come onto the market? How do you recognise a medical device? Based on examples, our videos answer these and a number of other questions.

Medical devices: List of Field Safety Corrective Actions (FSCA) and recalls

Swissmedic monitors all safety measures and recalls for medical devices that are manufactured or marketed in Switzerland.

Swissmedic, Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products


Swissmedic – for therapeutic products you can trust

Swissmedic is the Swiss authority responsible for the authorisation and supervision of therapeutic products. Swissmedic's activities are based on the Law on Therapeutic Products.

For further information...