
General information

Do you have some general questions about Swissmedic or a specific substance but don't know which department to contact for answers? Then contact our division Communication. We are able to answer straightforward questions by telephone immediately. If your question is more complex and you need a personalized response, please submit it in writing either via our contact form or in the form of a letter or fax. Written information is charged at the basic rate of CHF 200 per hour.
Information is provided free of charge for the following groups:

  • Patients and consumers or their federations
  • Representatives of public authorities, political bodies and organizations
  • Media: information for journalists.

Telephone inquiries

Switchboard/Reception desk

+41 58 462 02 11

Monday - Thursday 08:00 –12:00 13:30 – 17:00
Friday 08:00 –12:00 13:30 – 16:00

General information

+41 58 462 02 23

Monday - Thursday 08:00 –12:00 13:30 – 16:30
Friday 08:00 –12:00 13:30 – 16:00


Contact (for journalists only)

Tel.:        +41 58 462 02 76


Your contacts for media questions

Eliane Schmid
Eliane Schmid
Head of the Communication Division and media spokesperson
© Swissmedic
Lukas Jaggi
Lukas Jaggi
Media spokesperson
© Swissmedic
Alex Josty
Alex Josty
Media spokesperson
© Swissmedic

Reporting undesirable effects

Hallerstrasse 7
CH-3012 Bern

+41 58 462 02 12