

War in Ukraine: export of medicinal products to the conflict area

Private individuals should support Ukraine via aid organisations


Swissmedic’s approach to handling EC certificates for medical devices

Swissmedic has decided to follow the harmonised European procedure.


ICH Assembly in Osaka, Japan, 5 to 10 November 2016

The International Council for Harmonisation (ICH) met in Osaka, Japan from 5 to 10 November 2016.


Swissmedic patient / consumer organisations working group

Pilot to be extended by another two years


Adaptation of formal requirements for marking/highlighting changes in manuscripts of medicinal product information (information for healthcare professionals and patient information)

The new requirements for manuscript presentation apply to all new submissions made to Swissmedic as of 1 January 2017.


New eGov Service “eSubmissions” (pilot operation)

New eSubmissions platform


35 new psychoactive substances added to Narcotics List

The Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA) has prompted to add 35 substances to the Narcotics List.


Vigilance-News Edition 17

New edition


International Summit of Heads of Medicines Regulatory Agencies opened in Interlaken: Swissmedic agrees on closer collaboration with UK partner agency

Federal Councillor Alain Berset opened the International Summit of Heads of Medicines Regulatory Agencies today in Interlaken.


Haemovigilance Report 2015

Current figures and findings important for transfusion safety in Switzerland


Important safety information regarding GlucaGen® Hypo-Kit

Recall of two batches (FS6X327, FS6X986) of GlucaGen® HypoKit glucagon for injection


Changes regarding transfer of marketing authorisation and change to name or address of marketing authorisation holder

Requests submitted as of 1 September 2016 will have to comply with the new instructions.


Extension of time limit for submitting Drug Master Files and Active Substance Master Files before submitting application

The guidance document Formal requirements and the form DMF for first authorisation/variation will be adapted.


Adaptation of the form Manufacturer information and new form Responsible Person Declaration

The new form Manufacturer information (version 7.0) will be available on the Swissmedic website in July 2016.


Ausbau Swissmedic eGovernment Portal

Registrierte und berechtigte Nutzer von Firmen mit Betriebsbewilligung können künftig einen grossen Teil der Korrespondenz direkt und ohne Papierverkehr elektronisch abwickeln.


ICH: Swissmedic and Health Canada included as new members

The International Council for Harmonisation (ICH) met in Lisbon, Portugal from 11 to 16 June 2016.


Action plan to combat illegal fresh cell therapies

The outcome at the end of the campaign


The new Swissmedic Annual Report has been published

An entire year's work by 424 individuals summed up in 90 pages: that's the new Swissmedic Annual Report.


Hinweis betreffend angepasster Beschriftung der Verpackung von Distraneurin Kapseln, Zulassungsnummer: 40629

Distraneurin Kapseln enthalten seit der Erstzulassung 192 mg Clomethiazol, freie Base. Diese Arzneiform (Kapseln) enthält kein Clomethiazol-Edisilat. Der bisher auf der Faltschachtel und Etikette angebrachte Hinweis auf die Salzform (ut Clomethiazoli edisilas 300 mg) war damit nicht konform und wurde im Rahmen einer Änderungsanzeige gestrichen.


Änderung im Pflichthinweis für Arzneimittelwerbung ab 1. April 2016 - Inkrafttreten der Teilrevision der Arzneimittel-Werbeverordnung (AWV)

Am 1. April 2016 tritt eine Teilrevision der Arzneimittel-Werbeverordnung in Kraft, mit der insbesondere die folgenden Artikel der AWV geändert oder neu aufgenommen werden: Art. 16 Abs. 5 Bst. c, Art. 17 und Art. 17a (neu).


Hepatitis medicines: Warning concerning Harvoni® packs with counterfeit contents

Counterfeit packs of the preparation Harvoni® have been discovered in Israel. The Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products Swissmedic is working with other European authorities to establish whether Harvoni® packs with counterfeit contents have also been imported into other countries.


Change in practice in the classification of herbal substances or preparations for oral administration to animals and in products for bees

Herbal products that are administered orally to animals as feeds or as veterinary medicinal products are classified jointly by Agroscope and Swissmedic.


Additional information on submitting Drug Master Files and Active Substance Master Files

The guidance document Formal requirements and the form DMF for first authorisation/variation have been updated. The changes take immediate effect.


New requirement for new applications for authorisation as a result of the Nagoya Ordinance

As a result of the new requirements, a passage dealing with the Nagoya Ordinance has been added to the Swissmedic forms for application submission.


Zika Virus Press Release of the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities, ICMRA

Global medicines regulators pledge support to tackle Zika virus disease


Procedure with prior notification: Changes as of 1 January 2016

When the Ordinance on Fees for Therapeutic Products (HGebV, SR 812.214.5) came into force on 1 January 2013, it introduced a procedure with prior notification (PPN).


Der Kampf gegen Designerdrogen geht weiter

Um den Kampf gegen neue Designerdrogen erfolgreich führen zu können, verbietet die Schweiz weitere 21 Einzelsubstanzen.


Akzidentelle Überdosierungen von Low Dose Methotrexat

Gemeinsame Mitteilung der Swissmedic und der Stiftung für Patientensicherheit (SPS)


Information zu Laboratoire Stallergenes

Auslieferungsstopp für allergologische Arzneimittel der Firma Laboratoire STALLERGENES Greer SAS, F-Antony Cedex, Frankreich


Sicherheitshinweis zu ala®octa

Swissmedic informiert, dass die Firma alamedics ab sofort die Verwendung ihres Produkts ala octa untersagt.


Change in practice for variations requiring notification

No official decision letter if notification is approved.