What happens once a report is filed?

Swissmedic enters reports in the haemovigilance database and confirms receipt to the sender. At the same time, the sender is informed of the reference number assigned to the case. The clinical data and the actions taken are evaluated by a clinical reviewer. The Swissmedic reviewers obtain additional information from the reporters where necessary, or request further investigations, and carry out the final assessment. No payment can be made for either the investigations or for any other form of support.

If this assessment deviates significantly from the report sent by the professional, the RPHv is consulted, as is the initial reporter if the RPHv thinks this is necessary, to ensure that all the available information is taken into account adequately when the report undergoes its final evaluation.

If an analysis of individual cases identifies a need for action in the form of improved measures, corresponding proposals are discussed and reviewed in cooperation with the affected institutions.

The national data are published once a year in a haemovigilance report. Findings from these data in conjunction with international experience can result in overarching measures or new guidelines.