Cantonally authorised medical professionals and enterprises

The MedReg register of medical professions and the Establishment Register BetReg are the authoritative registers listing all medical professionals, public pharmacies, healthcare institutions, scientific institutes and cantonal offices that are authorised by the cantonal authorities to procure narcotic substances.
The registration and updating of the data by the cantons are governed by Art. 75 of the Narcotics Control Ordinance (NarcCO) while publication of the data is subject to Art. 66 NarcCO.

Licence holders who want to check the entitlement to procure narcotics to fulfil their statutory duty of care (under Art. 10 NarcCO, Art 28 TPA, Art. 15 MPLO, Annex 4) should proceed as follows:

  • Individual queries directly in the public HealthReg platform (medical professionals in MedReg and cantonally licensed establishments in BetReg) or
  • Automated check via technical interface

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