Training as a specialist in pharmaceutical medicine at Swissmedic

Swissmedic certified as a category A training institution


Swissmedic has been recognised as a category A training institution for its specialist qualification in pharmaceutical medicine. Swissmedic thus meets all criteria for full advanced specialist training.

Following a visit, the WBSK (Swiss training institution commission) has granted Swissmedic recognition as a category A training institution for its specialist qualification in pharmaceutical medicine. Accordingly, Swissmedic meets all criteria pursuant to Art. 42 of the Continuing Education and Training Regulation (WBO) and section 5 of the training programme for full advanced specialist training. The content of the training is based on the competences specified in the training programme ( The focus at Swissmedic is on teaching in the following core areas:

  1. Discovery and early development
  2. Registration and authorisation
  3. Pharmacovigilance and risk management
  4. Ethics and patient protection
  5. Communication and management

Swissmedic teaches the content in the Authorisation, Licensing and Market Surveillance organisational units.

Swissmedic can accommodate two people on the training programme at any one time. The participants must hold a licence to practice medicine and be employed by Swissmedic.

The training institution is headed by Dr Stephanie Juritz (, who is a certified specialist in pharmaceutical medicine.

Swissmedic is delighted to have been certified and to have the opportunity to train new specialists in pharmaceutical medicine.