KPTPO: Updating of annexes 5, 6 and 8–10


Updating of KPTPO annexes

In winter 2020/2021, Annexes 5, 6 and 8–10 (published by Swissmedic) of the Ordinance of the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products on the Simplified Licensing of Complementary and Phytotherapeutic Products (Complementary and Phytotherapeutic Products Ordinance, KPTPO; SR 812.212.24) were reviewed in light of the current status of science and technology and adapted accordingly on the basis of the various reports received.

At a meeting of Swissmedic’s Agency Council on 7 May 2021 following the conclusion of the consultative process involving subject-matter experts and official bodies, it was decided that Annexes 5, 6 and 8–10 of the KPTPO should be amended with effect from 1 July 2021.

The following KPTPO annexes have been revised:

  • Annex 5:        List of lozenges
  • Annex 6:        HAS list
  • Annex 8:        Gemmotherapy list
  • Annex 9:        List of standard works
  • Annex 10:      TAS list

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