Access Consortium Statement on Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Inspections Reliance and Recognition

Access Consortium commits to demonstrate greater inspection reliance and accept GMP inspection outcomes held amongst their members


Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) ensures that medicinal products are consistently produced and controlled to the quality standards appropriate to their intended use or as required for marketing authorisation. In alignment with the Access Consortium’s strategic objective to expand and maximise collaboration throughout the product lifecycle, this collective statement issued by the Access Heads of Agencies serves to solidify the Consortium’s commitment to demonstrate greater inspection reliance and accept GMP inspection outcomes. The reliance on inspection outcomes will be based on the review of inspection reports or other documentary evidence for GMP inspections conducted by Access members within their territory, in lieu of conducting another GMP inspection.  This reduces the regulatory burden on stakeholders and could facilitate our populations’ timely access to high quality, safe and effective pharmaceutical products.

Our Commitment to Reliance and Recognition Arrangement in GMP Inspections

GMP Inspection reliance arrangements and formal mutual recognition arrangements are highly effective tools that can help regulatory authorities manage increasing complexity in the manufacturing and supply chain of medicines in a timely manner. Establishing such arrangements reduces duplication of GMP inspections and allows for more efficient use of each authority's resources, allowing these to be channelled to areas where most needed.

As Participating Authorities of the Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S), the Consortium members will commit to accept GMP inspection reports issued by Access members for GMP inspections conducted within their territory, in lieu of conducting another GMP inspection. The Consortium will maximise the existing GMP Inspection reliance and mutual recognition agreements in place and work closely together to expand their use wherever possible for products undergoing evaluation.