Updated version of the substance master data for the HOMANT software available

New data file according to the revised list HAS (Annex 6 KPTPO) for the marketing authorisation of homeopathic and anthroposophic medicinal products without indication based on a notification


The Complementary and Phytotherapeutic Products Ordinance (KPTPO; SR 812.212.24) provides for homeopathic and anthroposophic medicinal products without indication a marketing authorisation based on a notification in accordance with article 27 or 28. The single notifications must be submitted in the form prescribed by Swissmedic according to article 41 of the KPTPO. Swissmedic provides a corresponding electronic form and has developed the HOMANT software for this purpose.

The substance master data have been updated due to the periodic revision of the annexe 6 KPTPO (List HAS).

An updated version of the substance master data for the HOMANT software is available for download free of charge as a data file on the Swissmedic website. Link to the download and for further information: