The new Swissmedic Annual Report has been published

03.06.2016 - An entire year's work by 424 individuals summed up in 90 pages: that's the new Swissmedic Annual Report.

Did you know? The average Swissmedic employee is a woman. She is 47.5 years old and speaks German. 8312 medicinal products, including 719 veterinary medicinal products, are currently authorised in Switzerland. Compared with the previous year, there was a further increase of around 10 percent in the number of quality defects reported. Foreign authorities carried out 60 inspections in Switzerland, including 25 by the American FDA. A total of 8,247 reports of suspected adverse drug reactions were received by Swissmedic. In the area of medical devices, the number of requests for mutual assistance from European partner authorities more than tripled to 151. The Penal division carried out 14 house searches and 42 hearings.

All this and more can be found in the new Annual Report 2015. Don't miss out on this wealth of information. The Annual Report can be found via the following link:

We hope you find it a stimulating and interesting read.